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研究生: International Students

Marist welcomes international graduate students interested in studying in the United States.

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信息rmation for Prospective International 研究生 Students

Reasons why international graduate students thrive at Marist College: 

  • The Marist/IBM Joint Venture provides the most current technology for you during your studies.
  • Scholarships up to $4,000.00 U. S. dollars are available for your two-year degree.
  • No GRE is required (except for the MS in Education)
  • Lower costs of living are available. Save about 50% of the cost of living and attending school in New York City.
  • New York City is close to Marist - and you can take the commuter train to visit.
  • No deposit is required.
  • Both MSIS and MS in Computer 科学 Software Development are STEM degrees, eligible for CPT and OPT.

Links to helpful resources for international student applicants.


Next Steps for Accepted Students

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